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Built With Amiga Software

Hello and welcome to this, sadly the last ever CUCD edition of the official Built With Amiga Software campaign (as supported by CU-Amiga, Amiga International, Petro Tyschtschenko, Dr Peter Kittel, Fred Fish, Wirenet, Amitrix, Team AMIGA and many more) - the campaign itself will, of course, continue on its website ( for a very long time to come...

The campaign is designed to promote the Amiga as a serious Internet computer, and inside you should find information covering most aspects of Internet software for the Amiga, plus Amiga-supporting ISPs and more.


I'd just like to take this opportunity to say thanks to CU Amiga and to Neil Bothwick for including these pages on the CUCD for the past several months, and for producing what has to be the best Amiga magazine around - shame it has to come to an end, just as the Amiga future was starting to look so bright...
Thanks to one and all at CU, and all the best for the future!

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